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School of Marxism
1 04030300 contemporary capitalism 2 2 34
2 04030200 A Guide to Karl Mark's "Das Capital" 2 2 34
3 04031730 A Survey of Mao Tsetung Thoughts and Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 4 3 54
4 04031731 A Survey of Mao Tsetung Thoughts and Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 3 3 51
5 04031501 A series of lectures on the frontier trends of Marxism Abroad 1 2 16
6 04031650 An Introduction to Ideological & Moral Culture and Laws 2 2 34
7 04031651 An Introduction to Ideological & Moral Culture and Laws 3 3 51
8 04031740 An Introduction to Marxist Basic Theory 3 3 51
9 04030018 An Introduction to Xi Jinping’s Important Thoughts of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era 3 3 51
10 04031311 Dissertation 3 3 51
11 04031211 English for Marxism 2 2 34
12 04031750 Events and Policies 1 1 16
13 04031751 Events and Policies 2 2 34
14 04030001 Guidelines of Theories on Marxism 3 3 51
15 04031602 History of reform and opening up 2 2 32
16 04030701 History of the Communist Party of China 2 2 34
17 04030700 History of the communist party of China and the research of CPC's construction 2 2 34
18 04031761 Introduction of Xi Jinpin Thought on Socialim with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era 2 2 34
19 04031682 Introduction to Basic Principles of Marxism (2) 2 2 34
20 04031890 Li Dazhao's thoughts research 2 2 32
21 04030017 Marxism Development History 3 3 51
22 04030400 Marxism abroad 3 3 51
23 04031660 Outline of Chinese Modern History 2 2 34
24 04031661 Outline of Chinese Modern History 3 3 51
25 04030002 Political Economics 4 4 68
26 04030101 Reading of Lenin's classic works 4 4 68
27 04030009 Readings of Classics of Marx and Engels(Ⅰ) 4 4 68
28 04030011 Readings of Classics of Marx and Engels(Ⅱ) 4 4 68
29 04030003 Scientific Socialism 2 2 34
30 04031000 Social development theory 2 2 34
31 04031502 Special topics on the history of the Communist Party of China 1 2 16
32 04031880 Studies on History of Peking University 2 2 34
33 04002527 Study of the complete works of Lenin(1) 4 4 68
34 04030008 Study on the Major Issues of Chinese Modern History 3 3 51
35 04030004 The Chinese Marxism 3 3 51
36 04030900 The Frontier Issues of Marxism 2 2 34
37 04030019 The History of the Development of international Socialism 3 3 51
38 04038170 The Relationship between the Canon of Changes and the Various Schools 2 2 34
39 04030601 The theory and practice of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 3 3 51
40 04030600 The theory and practice of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 2 2 32
41 04031100 The theory of the Marx party and the party building 2 2 32
42 04030500 Theory and Practice of Ideological and Political Education 2 2 34
43 04030005 selected readings on sinofication Marxist classics 2 2 34