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School of Earth and Space Sciences
1 01235320 Advances in Geographical Science 3 3 45
2 01235280 An Introduction to Physical Geography and Geomorphology 2 2 30
3 01233460 An introduction to Space Weather and Forecasting Method 3 3 45
4 01233330 Application of Geophysics to Engineering 3 3 45
5 01235330 Applications in Remote Sensing 2 2 30
6 01231330 Approach of lgneous and Metamorphic Petrology: Theory and Methodology 2 2 32
7 01230460 Artificial Intelligence and Information Society 2 2 34
8 01230470 BDS-based Spatiotemporal Intelligence 2 32 32
9 01235410 Basic Principle of Quantitative Remote Sensing 2 2 32
10 01233450 Basic of Space Detection and Experiment 3 3 48
11 01231400 Basics of Geophysics 3 3 48
12 01235230 Cartography 3 3 48
13 01231740 Crystallography and Mineralogy 4 4 64
14 01231410 Crystallography and Mineralogy 3 4 60
15 01235180 Designing And Applications of GIS 4 4 60
16 01235060 Digital Terrain Model 2 2 34
17 01231450 Disaster Geology 2 2 30
18 01230100 Discrete Mathematics 3 3 54
19 01233500 Earth Catastrophe 3 3 48
20 01233150 Earth Catastrophes 2 2 32
21 01430950 Earth Environment and Human Society 2 2 34
22 01231931 Earth Science Lectures by Distinguished Scholars I 1 2 16
23 01231932 Earth Science Lectures by Distinguished Scholars II 1 1 17
24 01231690 Earth System and Environments 2 2 32
25 01230190 Earth and Space 2 2 32
26 01233630 Earthquake prediction method 3 3 48
27 01233310 Elastic Mechanics B 4 4 64
28 01235720 Electromagnetism 4 4 64
29 01431270 Elementary Isotope Geochemistry 2 2 34
30 01231710 Elementary Sequence Stratigraphy 2 2 34
31 01231580 Environmental Mineralogy 2 2 30
32 01235290 Environmental and Ecological Sciences 2 2 30
33 01231210 Essentials of Earth History 2 2 34
34 01231350 Evolutionary History of Vertebrates 2 2 30
35 01231440 Excursion for Regional Geology 2 0 60
36 01235250 Experiment of Geographic Information System 2 2 30
37 01233510 Experiments of Seismology 3 3 48
38 01231680 Field Excursions on Geosciences 3 4 64
39 01231810 Field Excursions on Geosciences 4 22 64
40 01231721 Frontiers of Geochemistry 2 2 34
41 01231510 Frontiers of Paleontology 2 2 30
42 01233410 Fundamental Technology of Astronautics 2 2 32
43 01233580 Fundamentals of Geomechanics 4 4 64
44 01430970 Fundamentals of Solid Mechanics 3 3 51
45 01233420 Fundamentals of Space Plasma Physics 2 2 30
46 01233610 Fundamentals of Space Science and Technology 2 2 32
47 01235460 Fundamentals of Spatial Information Science 2 2 32
48 01235070 GIS Design And Application 3 3 51
49 01235160 GIS Engineering 2 2 34
50 01235390 GPS Surveying and Data Processing 2 2 32
51 01231300 Gemology 2 2 32
52 01231560 General Introduction to Magma Processes 2 2 32
53 01231752 General Petrology II: Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks 4 4 64
54 01231751 General Petrology Part I: Optical Mineralogy and Igneous Rocks 4 4 64
55 01231251 General Petrology Part I:Optical Mineralogy and Igneous Rocks 3 4 68
56 01231252 General Petrology:Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks 3 4 68
57 01235080 Geo-mathematical Model 2 2 34
58 01231780 Geochemistry 5 5 75
59 01231660 Geochemistry 4 5 80
60 01231800 Geological Investigation & Mapping 4 16 64
61 01231670 Geological Investigation & Mapping 3 4 64
62 01231911 Geology Excursions in the Three Gorges Region 2 16 32
63 01231912 Geology Excursions in the Wutai Region 2 2 34
64 01233190 Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 3 3 51
65 01231470 Geomorphology and Quaternary Environment 2 2 30
66 01233660 Geophysical Field Practice 2 16 32
67 01233130 Geophysical Signal Processing 3 3 48
68 01231610 High Temperature and High Pressure Material Sciences 2 2 32
69 01231760 Historical Geology 4 4 64
70 01230430 Impression of Earth 2 2 32
71 01233540 Information Visualization in Space Exploration(II) 2 2 32
72 01233530 Information Visualization in Space Exploration(I) 2 2 32
73 01230420 Innovative Applications and Practice on Virtual Reality and Simulation 2 2 32
74 01235210 Intelligent Transportation Systems 2 2 30
75 01231921 Internationally Correlative Geology Excursions in Alps 2 2 34
76 01235370 Internet of Things 2 2 30
77 01233570 Intriguing science of the solar system 2 2 34
78 01235450 Introducing Geography 3 16 48
79 01235420 Introduction of LiDAR Remote Sensing 2 2 34
80 01233650 Introduction of space weahter 3 3 51
81 01233550 Introduction to Computational Space Physics 3 3 51
82 01235040 Introduction to Computer Graphics 2 2 32
83 01235100 Introduction to Database Systems 3 3 45
84 01235140 Introduction to Digital Earth 2 2 34
85 01230201 Introduction to Earth Sciences (Earth System Science) 2 2 34
86 01230203 Introduction to Earth Sciences (Fundamentals of Geospatial Information Science) 2 2 34
87 01230202 Introduction to Earth Sciences(Geophysics and Space Physics) 2 2 34
88 01231130 Introduction to Economy of Mineral Resources 2 2 34
89 01235310 Introduction to Geomatics 2 2 30
90 01233591 Introduction to Geophysics 3 3 48
91 01233590 Introduction to Geophysics 2 2 32
92 01430960 Introduction to Natural Resources 2 2 36
93 01233140 Introduction to Planetary Science 3 3 48
94 01230070 Introduction to Remote Sensing 3 3 51
95 01231540 Introduction to Sedimentary Geology 2 2 30
96 01233170 Introduction to Seismology 2 2 32
97 01230480 Introductory Machine Learning for Earth Scientists 2 2 34
98 01231640 Introdution to Field Geology 2 4 64
99 01235470 Inverse theory in quantitative remote sensing 3 3 51
100 01233620 Ionospheric Physics and Radio Wave Propagation 3 3 48
101 01231900 Isotope Geology (Radiogenic and non-traditional isotopes) 2 2 32
102 01431440 Jewelry Appreciation and Jewelry Culture 2 2 30
103 01430020 Life in Earth History 2 2 34
104 01233440 Magnetospheric Physics 3 3 48
105 01231860 Marine Environments and Geodynamics 2 2 32
106 01231140 Marine Geology 2 2 34
107 01231840 Mineral Deposit 4 4 64
108 01231700 Mineral Deposit 3 4 64
109 01231570 Mineral Materials Science and Technology 2 2 30
110 01231200 Natural Resources and Social Development 2 2 34
111 01235090 Network and WEBGIS 2 2 32
112 01235030 Numerical Computing 3 3 51
113 01233230 Numerical Methods in Geophysics 3 3 45
114 01230110 Operating System Principle 2 2 34
115 01231520 Palaeobotany and Palynology 2 2 30
116 01231370 Paleoceanography and Global Change 2 2 30
117 01231500 Paleoecology and Ancient Environments 2 2 30
118 01231850 Paleontology 4 4 64
119 01231030 Paleontology 3 4 68
120 01430870 Physical Geology Field Trip 1 0 60
121 01231792 Physical Geology(Earth material system) 3 3 51
122 01231890 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior 2 2 32
123 01233430 Physics of Solar Atmosphere and Heliosphere 3 3 48
124 01233470 Physics of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere 3 3 45
125 01231941 Planetary Earth Science 3 3 48
126 01235260 Practice on RS, GIS and GPS 1 20 60
127 01235120 Principle of Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing 3 3 51
128 01235440 Principles and Applications of Radar Remote Sensing 2 2 32
129 01231530 Principles and Applications of Stratigraphy 2 2 30
130 01231820 Principles of Geobiology 2 2 32
131 01235240 Principles of Geographic Information System 3 3 45
132 01235010 Principles of Software Engineering 2 2 34
133 01235270 Programming Language 3 3 48
134 01230440 Python Programming and Application 2 2 34
135 01235340 RS Image Processing Practice 2 2 30
136 01231090 Regional Geology of China 2 2 34
137 01231170 Remote Sensing Geology 2 2 34
138 01233490 Rock Mechanics 3 3 48
139 01233571 Science of the Solar System 2 2 34
140 01431170 Seismogeology 2 2 34
141 01233320 Seismology 4 4 60
142 01231881 Seminar on Earth system evolution 0 2 32
143 01230170 Seminar on Frontier of Earth Sciences 2 2 32
144 01231781 Seminar on Geochemistry 0 2 32
145 01231851 Seminar on Paleontology 0 2 32
146 01231791 Seminar on Physical Geology 0 2 32
147 01233560 Solar Activities and Human Society 2 2 34
148 00539410 Space Exploring 2 2 34
149 01233531 Space exploration information processing technology and experiment 2 2 34
150 01231870 Stable Isotope Effect and its Utilities 1 2 16
151 01231310 Structural Geology 3 4 68
152 01231770 Structural Geology 4 4 64
153 01231080 Tectonics 2 2 34
154 01230030 The C Programming 3 3 48
155 01233200 The Earth Gravity Field 3 3 51
156 01231880 The Earth System History 4 4 68
157 01235430 The Fundamental of Satellite Navigation and Positioning 3 3 51
158 01230410 The earth and humankind civilization 2 2 32
159 01235360 The principles and methods of Remote Sensing Application 3 3 45
160 01431250 Trace Elements Geochemistry 2 2 34
161 01235300 Urban and Regional Science 2 2 30
162 01230450 Virtual Reality Content Creation 2 2 34
163 01233480 Viscous Fluid Mechanics 3 3 48
164 01233640 Writing Scientific Articles in Geophysics 2 2 32
165 01231050 X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis 2 2 30
166 01235350 introduction to Geographic information systems 2 2 32
167 E1233650 magnetospheric physics 3 3 51