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Department of Sociology
1 03111103 Advanced Social Statistics:Society and Genetics 2 2 32
2 03101397 Disciplinary Frontiers (PhD Supervisor’s Serial Lectures) 2 2 36
3 03110210 Research of the Organization Theory 2 2 32
4 03110260 Research on the Institution of the Chinese Family 2 2 32
5 03110940 A Course of Lectures on Overseas Ethnography 2 2 36
6 03110220 A Research of Economical Sociology 2 2 32
7 03111012 Advanced Clinical Social Work 3 3 48
8 03112032 Advanced Mental Health Theory 2 2 32
9 03110090 Advanced Social Statistics 4 4 72
10 03101203 Advanced Topics in Causal Inference: Propensity Score and Related Models 2 2 34
11 03101680 Advanced Topics in Methodology: Causal Inference 2 2 32
12 03113001 Advanced Topics of Social Statistics 2 2 32
13 03111802 Advanced clinical social work(1) 2 2 36
14 03111812 Advanced clinical social work(2) 2 2 36
15 03100548 Advanced topics on Contemporary Chinese Society 2 2 32
16 03110243 Aging and Social Services 3 3 48
17 03110023 Aging and Social Services 4 4 64
18 03111023 Akademisches Deutsch:Basisstufe 2 25 200
19 03111043 Analysis of longitudinal and multilevel data 3 3 54
20 03112060 Anthropological fieldwork 3 3 54
21 03102443 Anthropological Lectures 3 3 48
22 03101230 Anthropological Methodology 2 2 36
23 03113010 Anthropology and Science Studies 2 2 32
24 03111031 Anthropology of Arts 2 2 34
25 03100614 Anthropology of Embodiment 2 2 36
26 03110900 Anthropology on Family Institution 2 2 36
27 03111013 Applement and Analysis of Statistics 2 2 32
28 03111113 Applied Social Data Analysis 2 2 32
29 03111063 Applied Statistics 2 2 32
30 03111702 Applied anthropology and participatory 2 2 36
31 03101696 Basic Statistics and Its Application 2 2 32
32 03101799 Big Data Analysis and Mining 2 2 32
33 03102526 Body & Society 2 2 32
34 03112181 Business Demography 2 2 32
35 03110870 Cases of Field Work 2 2 36
36 03110001 Categorical data analysis 2 2 32
37 03111062 Child Social Work 2 2 32
38 03111162 Community Development 2 2 32
39 03111270 Community Studies and Field Work 2 2 36
40 03110130 Community Study 3 3 51
41 03111300 Comparative Sociology 2 2 36
42 03110790 Comparative Sociology 2 2 32
43 03113050 Comparative Studies on Chinese and Western Traditional Society 2 2 32
44 03110810 Comparative Studies to Habermas and Luhmann 2 2 32
45 03114031 Comparative Study of Social Transformation Mainland China and South Korea 2 2 32
46 03110420 Comparative Study of Sociology and Economics 2 2 32
47 03100766 Comparative analysis of classical ethnographies 2 2 32
48 03110830 Comparison of Social Welfare Institutions 3 3 54
49 03110230 Comparison of Social Security Systems 2 2 32
50 03111280 Consumerism and China Society 2 2 36
51 03110774 Contemporary Studies in Social Stratification 2 2 32
52 03111091 Critical Sociology of Education 2 2 32
53 03110570 Cross-culture Psychology 3 3 48
54 03100655 Crowds and Networks 3 3 48
55 03110982 Culture Illness and Healing 2 2 32
56 03112071 Culture and Development 2 2 32
57 03101796 Data Management 2 2 32
58 03112015 Data Processing with SPSS 2 2 32
59 03113132 Demographic Anthropology 2 2 32
60 03112202 Demography 2 2 32
61 03113602 Development Studies 2 2 36
62 03110352 Developmental Social Work 2 2 32
63 03111100 Deviation and Social Control 2 2 36
64 03102279 Doctoral Seminar:Social Movements and Collective Behavior 2 2 32
65 03111400 Domination and Society: Max Weber’s Economy and Society 2 2 32
66 03110030 Economic Development and Social Stratification 2 2 32
67 03101000 Empirical Research Cycle 2 2 32
68 03101372 Empirical Studies on Migration 2 2 32
69 03110290 Environment and Social Development 2 2 32
70 03111170 Ethnographic Methodology 2 2 36
71 03110930 Ethnography of China 2 2 36
72 03111003 Event History Analysis 2 2 32
73 03112020 Evidence and Narrative in the Social Sciences: How to Write a Thesis 1 2 16
74 03110970 Feminism Theory 2 2 36
75 03111190 Feminism Methodology 2 2 36
76 03111860 Feminism and Social Work 2 2 32
77 03110061 Fieldwork Methods 2 2 32
78 03100421 Film and society 2 2 32
79 03110310 Folklore Studies 2 2 32
80 03111001 Food and Anthropology 2 3 48
81 03111130 Formal Sociology and Pure Sociology 2 2 36
82 03110091 Foundation of Social Theory 2 2 32
83 03110710 Gender and Development 2 2 36
84 03111072 Gerontological Social Work 2 2 32
85 03110341 History of Anthropology: the West and China 2 2 32
86 03110670 History of Gender Development 2 2 36
87 03111042 Human Development and Social Environment 2 2 32
88 03111051 Inequality and Development 2 2 32
89 03101699 Internet and Social Change 2 2 32
90 03111060 Internet society studies 2 2 36
91 03110840 Introduction of Women Studies 2 2 34
92 03101381 Introduction to Population and Society 3 3 54
93 03110820 Issue Studies of Sociology 2 2 34
94 03111200 Issue Studies on Social Anthropology 2 2 36
95 03110510 Issues of Language Sociology 2 2 34
96 03110500 Issues of Political Sociology 2 2 36
97 03110150 Issues of Social Psychology 3 3 51
98 03112010 Key Terms in Sociology 2 2 32
99 03110450 Kinship Studies 2 2 32
100 03101685 Labor Policies 2 2 32
101 03110170 Labor Studies 4 3 48
102 03110062 Labor studies 2 2 32
103 03112811 Language and Culture 2 2 32
104 03110780 Lectures on Ethnographies of Overseas Countries 2 2 32
105 03110140 Legal Anthropology 2 2 32
106 03101920 Linear Regression and Its Application 2 2 32
107 03102374 Linear Regression and Its Application 4 4 64
108 03111112 Medical Social Work 2 2 32
109 03111102 Mental Health Social Work 2 2 32
110 03112050 Mental Health Social Work 2 2 32
111 03110060 Migration and Urbanization 2 2 32
112 03110270 Monograohic Study of the Social Work 2 2 32
113 03110011 Mythology and Anthropology 2 2 32
114 03101915 Panel study whole process practice 4 4 64
115 03111083 PhD Colloquium 3 3 54
116 03110890 Philosophy of Social Welfare 2 2 36
117 03110238 Philosophy of Social Welfare and Social Work Ethics 2 2 32
118 03101782 Policies on Religion and Ethnicity 2 2 32
119 03101899 Policy Evaluation 2 2 32
120 03102050 Policy Process and Impact Evaluation 4 4 64
121 03110980 Political Anthropology 2 2 36
122 03110080 Political Anthropology 2 2 32
123 03110740 Political and Legal Anthropology 2 2 36
124 03110400 Population Issues 3 3 51
125 03111231 Portuguese 1 4 64
126 03111092 Poverty and development 2 2 32
127 03110620 Principle and Methods of Social Research 2 2 34
128 03111110 Qualified Test 0 0 0
129 03101908 Qualitative Field Work 4 4 64
130 03113202 Qualitative Research 2 2 32
131 03110013 Quantitative Methods in Sociological Analysis 2 2 32
132 03110253 Quantitative Methods in Sociological Analysis 2 2 32
133 03111163 Quantitative data analysis 3 12 48
134 03101603 Reading Seminars: Anthropological Classics 3 3 48
135 03110960 Reading of Original Works of Anthropology 2 2 36
136 03111040 Reading of Original Works on Social Welfare and Social Policy 2 2 36
137 03110556 Reading of labor research 2 2 36
138 03111090 Reading of original works on Critical Sociology 2 2 36
139 03101816 Readings and Discussion: Classical and Advanced Topics of Population Studies 2 2 32
140 03110000 Readings in Culture and Media Sociology 2 2 32
141 03110640 Readings in Current Western Sociology 2 2 36
142 03110730 Readings in Marxist Anthropology 3 3 54
143 03110010 Readings in Marxist-Leninist Classic Works on Sociology 2 2 32
144 03110273 Readings in Quantitative Sociology 2 2 32
145 03111053 Readings in Quantitative Sociology 2 2 32
146 03110003 Readings in Quantitative Sociology 2 2 32
147 03110800 Readings in Western Woman Studies 3 3 48
148 03111000 Religionary Anthropology 2 2 36
149 03111033 Research Design 2 2 32
150 03112000 Research Proposal and Paper Writting 2 2 32
151 03110021 Research Seminar on NPOs and Social Services 2 2 32
152 03101505 Research Tools Design 2 2 32
153 03110750 Research of the Organization of Rural Society 2 3 36
154 03110233 Second-Modern Transformation:Global Perspective and East Asian Development 2 2 32
155 03112102 Selected Readings on Sociology of Media and Communications 2 2 32
156 03101791 Selective Readings of Chinese Social history 2 2 32
157 03101949 Seminar On Dissertation Topics Selection 2 2 32
158 03102780 Seminar on Fundamental Texts of Social Theory 2 2 32
159 03111132 Seminar on Social Work and Social Policy in China 2 2 32
160 03110515 Seminar on population issues and policy evaluation 2 2 32
161 03101668 Seminar: Readings on Chinese History and Society 2 2 32
162 03110470 Social Anthropology and Sinology 3 3 51
163 03101765 Social Governance : Theory and Practices 2 2 32
164 03111399 Social Policy Analysis 2 2 34
165 03111032 Social Policy Analysis 2 2 32
166 03112301 Social Policy Assessment 2 2 32
167 03101795 Social Problems and Policy Agenda 2 2 32
168 03111122 Social Program Management and Evaluation 2 2 32
169 03110680 Social Psychology 2 2 36
170 03114001 Social Research Methods 2 2 32
171 03111401 Social Security 2 2 34
172 03110340 Social Security Research 2 2 32
173 03111142 Social Security System 2 2 32
174 03111022 Social Service Management 2 2 32
175 03112132 Social Services Research 2 2 32
176 03101877 Social Survey Program Enforcement 4 4 64
177 03111172 Social Work Macro Practice 2 2 32
178 03102706 Social Work Practice Research 2 2 32
179 03111052 Social Work Theory 3 3 48
180 03111082 Social Work for Women 2 2 32
181 03111140 Social study of organization 2 2 36
182 03100938 Social transformation in East Asia 2 2 32
183 03111183 Social work placement 0 6 96
184 03111182 Social work placement 8 8 128
185 03115911 Social work placement 4 4 64
186 03115910 Social work placement 4 4 64
187 03110050 Sociological Methodology 2 2 32
188 03101610 Sociological Studies of Chinese Frontiers 2 2 32
189 03110040 Sociological Theory 3 3 51
190 03101103 Sociological Theory and Social Policy in Europe 1 1 16
191 03110330 Sociology of Aging 3 3 48
192 03110610 Sociology of Communication 3 3 54
193 03110560 Sociology of Crime 3 3 48
194 03110410 Sociology of Culture 2 2 32
195 03100538 Sociology of Economic Transitions 2 2 36
196 03110460 Sociology of Education 2 2 32
197 03110240 Sociology of Ethnicity 2 2 32
198 03110530 Sociology of Laws 3 3 54
199 03110002 Sociology of Religion 2 2 32
200 03111011 Special Lecture on Social Theory 2 2 36
201 03113022 Special Topics in Suicide Study 2 2 32
202 03101789 Special Topics on Advanced Statistics 2 2 32
203 03101364 Special Topics on China's Ethnic Relations and Frontier Integration 2 2 32
204 03110346 Special Topics on Chinese Social History 2 2 36
205 03101797 Special Topics on the History of Chinese Social Policy 2 2 32
206 03101205 Studies on Internet and Society 2 2 32
207 03110020 Studies of Classic Sociology 2 2 32
208 03101754 Studies of Freud's Thoughts 2 2 32
209 03110051 Studies on Chinese religions and Society 2 2 32
210 03110920 Studies on Culture 2 2 36
211 03111160 Studies on Culture and Media 2 2 36
212 03110910 Studies on Folk Custom 2 2 36
213 03101955 Studies on Gender & Marriage and Family 2 2 34
214 03110041 Studies on Historical Sociology 2 2 32
215 03110880 Studies on Social Security and Social Policy 3 3 54
216 03110860 Studies on Welfare Economics 2 2 34
217 03113102 Study of consumptive society 3 3 48
218 03114040 Study on Peasant Workers 2 2 32
219 03101522 Survey Data Analysis 3 3 54
220 03110031 Survey Sampling:Methodology and Methods 2 2 32
221 03110440 Symbolic Anthropology 2 2 32
222 03100537 Symposia of Western Social Thought Hisotry 2 2 32
223 03111261 The Conceptual Frameworks and Its Debate on China Study 2 2 32
224 03110101 The New Directions of Gender Studies 2 2 32
225 03110480 Thematic Studies in Chinese Nationalities 2 2 34
226 03111180 Theories and Methodologies in Authropology 2 2 36
227 03110760 Theories and Methodologies in Social Anthropology 2 2 36
228 03110380 Theories and Methodologies in Social and Culture Anthropology 2 2 32
229 03110280 Theories and Practice of Chinese Social Work 3 3 54
230 03111229 Theories in Social Anthropology 2 2 36
231 03101957 Theories of Gender Studies 3 3 48
232 03110012 Theories of Suicide 2 2 32
233 03110990 Theory and Method of Anthropology 2 2 36
234 03116110 Theory and Method of Cross-Cultural Comparison 2 2 32
235 03110650 Theory and Methodology of Social Evaluation 2 2 36
236 03110370 Theory of Social Movement 2 2 32
237 03112022 Theory of Social Systems 2 2 32
238 03110071 Topics In Medical Anthropology 2 2 32
239 03111093 Topics in Medical Anthropology 3 3 54
240 03100939 Topics on Chinese Social Thoughts 3 3 51
241 03111105 Tradition of Lanscape Painting and Social Change in Ancient China 2 2 32
242 03101398 Transitional Justice and Second Modern Transformation: Europe and East Asia 2 2 32
243 03110992 Urban Social Problems 2 2 32
244 03112070 Urban sociological study 2 2 32
245 03110229 Visual Anthropology 2 2 36
246 03111119 Western Critical Sociology 1 2 16
247 03110063 Western Philosophy of Social Science 2 2 32
248 03110005 What Can A Social Scientist Learn From Biology 2 2 32
249 03110720 Woman Studies 3 3 54
250 03111120 enterprise run and reform 2 2 36
251 03100643 seminar on population, resource, and environmental sociology 2 18 36
252 03101609 studies on religion and Chinese society 2 2 34
253 03111150 world society and risk society 2 2 36