Nov 16, 2012
[Beijing Forum 2012] J. Gordon Melton: The Birth and Growth of Chinese Pentacostalism
Peking University, Nov.16, 2012: Dr. J. Gordon Melton’s career as an American religious scholar has spanned over more than 40 years. He currently holds a number of positions, including as a Professor of American Religious History of Baylor University’s Institute for Studies in Re...
Nov 15, 2012
[Beijing Forum 2012] Peter Kupfer: the Role of Chinese language and culture
Peking University, Nov. 14, 2012: Peter Kupfer, professor of Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, delivered his speech entitled "Reflections on the Role of Chinese Language and Culture in a Globalizing World" on November 3. As a specialist of Chinese Language and Culture, Peter K...
Nov 15, 2012
[Beijing Forum 2012] Xu Jing: challenge of risk communication
Peking University, Nov. 14, 2012: Six participants shared their thoughts, mostly about the consequences of social media’s emerge, on the panel session “Innovation and change in the age of social media” at Yingjie Exchange Center. Confronted with the challenge of risk communicatio...
Nov 14, 2012
[Beijing Forum 2012] Kuang Wenbo: electronizing the social media
Peking University, Nov. 13, 2012: Professor Kuang Wenbo from Renmin University of China (RUC) addressed the panel on social media at the spot of Beijing Forum 2012.“It is the first time that I have attended the Forum.” Professor Kuang told the reporter on November 3, “Thanks to t...
Nov 13, 2012
[Beijing Forum 2012] Social enterprise catches on over the world
Peking University, Nov. 5, 2012: “When you look into the mirror and ask yourself if you are self-content, you can’t be when you make only yourself a lot of money; you can only be content if you make others rich,” said keynote speaker Stephen Bourne in the enterprise panel session...
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