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“E-Action”: PKU promoting cyber literacy and ethics
Nov 23, 2014

Peking University, Nov. 14, 2014: “PKU E-Action”, the project first launched in December 2013, aims to publicize proper use of the Internet and develop students’ cyber literacy. The “E-Action” promotion is carried out both through the new media such as Wechat and via the conventional channels such as the display boards on campus. Distinct from the traditional educational publicity which usually features a didactic tone, the promotion is conducted from the perspective of the young.

The latest “E-Action” posters have been put up in the Triangle display cases. The posters feature innovative design and witty, inspiring slogans. The designers present a thorough exploration of critical issues in the current Internet use, such as the boundaries and rules of the cyber world and the relationship between online communities and the real one. One of these posters reads, “The most enormous distance in the world is the one between you and someone who only exists on the screen of your smartphone.” Another reads, “Let’s meet not behind but beyond the computer screens.” 

one of the latest “E-Action” posters

Themes of the previous poster displays include smartphone addiction, information explosion, information distortion and cyber violence. In addition to promotion online and on campus, the project runners have also organized activities such as the “Study without Your Smartphone” periods in the main library.

Written by: Li Xiaowei
Edited by: Chen Jiayu
Source: PKU News (Chinese)
