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Sun Qixiang's notes to PKU youths
May 30, 2014

Peking University, May 27, 2014: “Like buttoning up, one’s life should be right to start with,” lectured Peking University (PKU) School of Economics Dean Sun Qixiang to a crowd of students on May 15, quoting Chinese President Xi Jinping’s talk during his recent visit to the campus. 


Prof. Sun Qixiang (File photo)


Sun commented on the common dilemma of graduating students between “going abroad” and “entering the workforce.” Personally, the once visiting scholar at Harvard was prone to a learning experience of foreign theories and methods.


But whichever choice would be made, she first encouraged students to keep persevere and confident. “Just follow your heart,” added Sun, “Sometimes you have to change your perspective, attitude and even mood to solve a problem.”



Believing that “perfect details make excellence,” Sun hoped that students achieve more and more on the way towards “not others’ satisfaction, but their own.” She treasured faithfulness as another secret of success as well.


Thanks to China’s Reforming and Opening Up, the teenage Sun Qixiang was admitted in 1979 to the then Department of Economics at Lanzhou University, witnessing her major boom in this country ever since. At the meeting, Sun attributed the current ” economics trendiness” to the huge demand on economic talents, who are responsible to meet people’s almost “insatiable” life desires, and allocate the limited resources efficiently.


As to the double major programs that PKU students often apply for to expand their economic backgrounds, Sun uttered a positive view, regarding it as part of the University’s comprehensive undergraduate cultivation. She also suggested accumulating more professional knowledge, reading more extracurricular books, raising more innovative questions, and being more concerned with social issues.


“The world belongs to you young people,” with the words of Chairman Mao Zedong, Sun expressed her honor with the audience from different departments. She shared the message “Be your own master” at last, looking forward to a future reunion with them.



Sun’s meeting is the fourth session of the “Professor’s Cafe,” a regular series organized by PKU Office of Student Affairs. In such a two-hour meeting, a renowned professor is invited to exchange with students on the topics of growing up, spirit of sciences and humanities.


All PKU students, including those from the Yanyuan Campus and the Health Science Center, are qualified to enter themselves through the Internet for the 20 places in every meeting.


The meeting content would be available on a mobile platform soon afterwards.



Written by: Chen Runxi
Edited by: Arthars
Source: Office of Student Affairs
