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PKU Spirit on calligraphic works
May 22, 2014

Peking University, May 18: 116 pieces of calligraphy works were exhibited to celebrate the 116th anniversary of the founding of PKU.


It used a unique artistic and aesthetic way—Chinese calligraphy—to express PKU spirit.


All of the works on show were from three PKU alumni--Zhang Guoyou, professor from Guanghua School of Management, Chen Hongjie, professor from Graduate School of Education, and Niu Gengyun, Director of Calligraphy and Painting Department of PKU Institute of History and Culture Resource. The exhibition lasted from May 5th to 11th.



“It is a perfect exhibition which combines the beauty of calligraphy in form and content together.” said Yang Xin, a 90-year-old calligrapher.


Wu Zhipan, executive vice president of PKU, spoke highly of the exhibition as “a precious birthday gift to alma mater”,and“should be marked in PKU’s history”.


The content of the calligraphic works consisted of words from those well-known PKU professors or alumni like Yan Fu, Cai Yuanpei, Chen Duxiu, Hu Shi, Lu Xun, Jiang menglin, Ji Xianlin, etc.  Comments from President Xi Jinping in his visiting to PKU on May 4th were also included in the exhibition with encouraging words like “exploring the truth by making great efforts”, “to build a world-class university”. Those calligraphic works delivered the patriotism for the country and the aspiration for knowledge of PKU alumni.


The exhibition was greatly welcomed by teachers and students in PKU because it showed not only the beauty of calligraphy but also the spirit of PKU. It was read in the introduction of the exhibition, “tradition of PKU is not only words written on the banner or slogan hung on the walls. It should be delivered by scholars’ academic works, their faith in life, their principles in behaviors.”


Written by: Wu Cuiting

Edited by: Zhao Xiaowei

