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资源 63
PKU People's Hospital Extends First-Prize Winning Streak to Three
May 14, 2010

Peking University, Beijing, May 12, 2010: On April 19, Beijing Medical Insurance Management Center held its 2009 summarization convention at the Beijing Conference Center. At the conference, full recognition was given to basic medical insurance designated medical institutions with outstanding achievements in 2009. Peking University People's Hospital won the First Prize of Beijing Medical Insurance Management Award for the third time in a row. Meanwhile, the hospital also obtained the award for "Treatment upon presentation of medical card & Real time settlement" as an individual institution.

The selection conducted by Beijing Medical Insurance Management Center was a comprehensive assessment of performances of designated medical institutions in terms of medical insurance management in 2009. The criteria include: routine examination, expense management, joint review, integrated management etc.

The award is a full recognition of Peking University People's Hospital's achievements in medical insurance management, contributed by the entire staff. Especially since the implementation of "Treatment upon presentation of medical card & Real time settlement", the Medical Information Center, the Treasury and the Medical Insurance Management Office have been collaborating to guarantee a smooth practice of medical cards.

At the conference, Mr. Xu Renzhong, Director of the Beijing Medical Insurance Management Center, required that all units and institutions should strengthen leadership, cooperate closely, organize carefully, and intensify efforts to promote "Treatment upon the presentation of medical card & Real time settlement". Mr. Sun Yan, Vice Director of the Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Mr. Zhang Dafa, Deputy Inspector, and leaders from the Municipal Financial Bureau, the Municipal Health Bureau, and directors from the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of all districts also attended the conference.

In 2010, medical insurance management is faced with new tasks and challenges. The focuses are: extending coverage of "Treatment upon presentation of medical card & Real time settlement" to more than 1800 designated medical institutions in Beijing, creating conditions to carry out "Treatment upon presentation of medical card & Real time settlement" for retirees, health-care attendants, urban residents to use medical cards, striving to assist administrative departments to reform, and improving quality and efficiency of medical expense audit etc. The promotion of the medical insurance management calls for support and coordination of all the staff and administrative departments of the hospital. In the future, we will keep assuming our responsibilities actively and creatively as a designated medical institution.


Edited by: Seren
Translated by: Chen Wei
Source: PKU News (Chinese)
