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资源 63
Teaching Demo Competition for Young Teachers
Dec 09, 2010

Peking University, Dec. 7, 2010: The Tenth PKU Teaching Demo Competition for Young Teachers was held on Dec. 4.


PKU President Zhou Qifeng delivered the opening speech, in which he stressed the significance of young teachers who play a key role in the development of Peking University. The teaching demo competition, as a platform for young teachers to communicate teaching experience and learn from each other, would contribute to young teachers' growth, the teaching and researching at PKU. He expressed his hope that young teachers from various disciplines could understand the teaching spirit better through the competition participation and he also extended his thanks to every individual and organization that had prepared for the competition and wished every competitor good luck.





The PKU Teaching Demo Competition for Young Teachers has been held for ten times since 2000under the cooperation of PKU Labor Union, Office of Educational Administration, Department of Human Resources, Graduate School, and Modern Education and Technology Center. This year, 36 young teachers from 18 schools and departments of humanities and sciences alike made their way to the final competition after recommendation from their respective schools and departments and various preparatory competitions. The competition this year was more comprehensive. Many young teachers demonstrated their bilingual teachings, compatible with PKU's international prominence.


The competition committee was composed of professors and experts from relevant fields. Fair play was ensured by uniformed rules. Finally, four competitors got first prize, four second, six third, and 22 awards of eminence.



Translated by: ZHAO Ning
Edited by:  Chen Miaojuan
Source: PKU News (Chinese)

