Peking University, March 23, 2018: A delegation on Afghanistan affairs from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry visited the Center for South Asian Studies, Peking University ( PKU CSAS) on March 22. Wang Xu, deputy director of PKU CSAS, welcomed the delegation of four which was led by Rolf Willy Hansen, Norwegian special envoy to Afghanistan Affairs. Both sides exchanged views on the status quo of Afghanistan relations and affairs.
The delegation
Enumerating several research institutions on South Asian studies in China, Professor Wang pointed out that Chinese scholars attach much importance to the stability and security of South Asia, and are most concerned with Afghanistan in particular. It is now an international consensus that many Afghanistan problems should be solved by political means; however, there are still many challenges and difficulties when putting policies into practice. Given an expanding investment from China into South and Central Asia, maintaining stability in Afghanistan is also in the interests of Chinese investors. In terms of the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan, Professor Wang commented that as a neighbor of both countries, China hopes for improved ties between them both. Also, China takes much account of experience and suggestions from the Norwegian government with regard to such issues.
According to Hansen, the Norwegian government also place much importance to relations between Norway and China. The Norwegian government appreciates the positive role China has played in working with Afghanistan, a development which the Norwegian government has closely watched. Apart from sharing Norway’s experience on solving international issues and mediating between relevant parties, Hansen also remarked that the Norwegian government also hopes to hear suggestions from China, in order to work hand in hand to improve the situation.
Written by: Peng Dan
Edited by: Fu Wenyun, Karen Xu