Luxembourg Vice Prime Minister Félix Braz visited Peking University
Jun 14, 2019
Peking University, June 14, 2019: Luxembourg Vice Prime Minister Félix Braz visited Peking University on June 10, and he was greeted by Peking University President Hao Ping and Vice President Wang Bo at Linhuxuan.
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Hao Ping expressed his warm welcome to Félix Braz, saying that Peking University and the University of Luxembourg both embrace openness, diversity and mutual respect while making concerted efforts to develop disciplines like law. Hao emphasized that Peking University values the cooperation in law with the University of Luxembourg, and anticipated that such cooperation can be further deepened.
Félix Braz responded that Peking University is viewed as a key partner by the University of Luxembourg, and the exchanges of students from both Law Schools have yielded good results. As such, Braz hopes that both sides can join hands in more disciplines and carry out joint training program in the future.
During his visit to Peking University, Braz also went to the Law School where he delivered a speech entitled “The Mutual Benefits of Continuing Cooperation” and had an in-depth discussion with the teachers and students.
Written by: Huang Weijian
Edited by: Zhang Jiang
Source: PKU News (Chinese)